"100% Chemically Tipped polyester filament blend provides super-smooth finishing capabilities. Firm blend provides excellent cut-in controls. Excellent for all paints, enamels, varnishes, and polyurethanes. Made in USA with global materials." -WoosterBrush

Official Website (WoosterBrush); https://www.woosterbrush.com/brushes/catalog/wooster-pro-firm-polyester/wooster-pro-firm-polyester-semioval-angle-sash/
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BQOACC/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000BQOACC&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=25887253cdec6e93b4b94113856035fc
Product Review; "I always try to go to small Mom&Pop stores when I can, but if I must buy from a big brand like Home Depot, I make sure it's at least made domestically. Wooster Paint Brushes available at home-improvement and painting stores nationwide, they make for an easy and professional looking paint job. Super high quality Brushes will make the difference in your next project, if you're willing to spend a few dollars more (compared to the slave-made imported Paintbrush)." -MadeInUSAReview
