"Team up with dozens of players and battle through the Realm of the Mad God, Oryx. With a retro 8-bit style, Realm is an evolution of traditional MMO gameplay." -DecaGames

Official Website (DecaGames); https://decagames.com/#6
Official Website (RealmOfTheMadGod); https://www.realmofthemadgod.com/
Online Store (Steam); https://store.steampowered.com/app/200210/Realm_of_the_Mad_God/
Product Review; "You can play for free from their website or on PC / Mac - I highly recommend you have a friend hop on with you and have a blast slaying progressively harder mobs and leveling to grow stronger. Surprisingly addictive for how simple the premise is - Death permanently resets everything but gold and pets, so it can be intense playing with a time-invested character. Functions flawlessly and is quite a polished little indie game, I can't get enough!" -MadeInUSAReview
