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US Military ACH MICH Protection Level III-A Ballistic Combat Helmet (Multiple Sizes / Varieties)

" Used helmet bell with new chinstrap, helm pads and Multicam helmet cover and Cateye helmet strap mixed manufacturers MSA, Gentex and SDS. " -SparksMilitary

Product Review; " I bought my bulletproof helmet from EBay awhile ago for a decent price (even in comparison to imported helmets I was seeing). I was a little concerned when buying about getting one that fit my head, but was pleasantly surprised to find it's pretty much one-size-fits-all (unless you have an exceedingly large head). It's heavy, but straps snugly to your skull and , if fit well, eventually you barely notice it. The attachment rails, velcro, and headlamp mounting points are super durable, built like a tank (as you'd expect) and comes in a few "drab" colors. Hopefully civilian bulletproof hemets are something you'll never need to use, but you'll be glad you had it if the time ever comes. " -MadeInUSAReview


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