" Compatibility; Fits Most Electric Ranges with Plug In Element. Fits Most Amana, Crosley, Frigidaire, Maytag, Whirlpool. Does not fit GE/Hotpoint. Features; Heavy Duty Brite Nickel Chrome Plating. Speeds Cooking Time saving Energy. Makes Cook Top look new again. Dishwasher Safe. Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaners. 2 Year limited warranty. Made in USA." -StancoDirect

Official Website; https://stancodirect.com/product/8-chrome-universal-bowl/ Online Store(Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/Stanco-Reflector-Electric-Elements-Chromed/dp/B001114TW2 Online Store(AceHardware); https://www.acehardware.com/departments/home-and-decor/kitchen-utensils-and-gadgets/stove-parts/62147?store=12226&gStoreCode=12226&gQT=1 Product Review; " Electric ranges are still extremely common in hotels, campers, and many apartments or houses (at least the ones I can afford). While they might not be the quickest, hottest or most controllable way to cook food, electric coil heating elements are pretty dependable and easy to maintain. This Reflector Pan can be installed under the coils, improving heat efficiency (saving up to 30% energy in comparison to no reflector bowl), as well as catching grease and other drippings for easier cleaning. Stanco has a huge variety of sizes to fit most any application, and they are very reasonably priced. If you have an electric coil range and aren't using a chrome or porcelain reflector pan, or if yours are just getting old and rusty, swap in a fresh set of pans and easily get a great upgrade for your kitchen visually and in terms of heating power ! " -MadeInUSAReview
