"Spiech Farms, LLC is located in Paw Paw, MI, United States and is part of the Fruit & Tree Nut Farming Industry." -DnB

Official Website (SpeichFarms); SpeichFarms.com
Company Information (DnB); https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.spiech_farms_llc.89968c3154e996b295d66df6ba112bcb.html
Company Information (Michigan); https://www.michigan.org/property/spiech-farms
Online Store (Instacart); https://www.instacart.com/products/16515591-spiech-farms-concord-grapes-16-oz
Product Review; "Located in Paw Paw Michigan, Speich Farms has recently been through some crop / financial troubles in past years - An early frost destroyed almost all of their year crop production and forced them into bankruptcy and they had to reinstate the company under a different organization. Thankfully Speich farms is back now, and even has a small Christmas Tree farm (Under the same name). I had never tried Concord grapes before (only in juice form) - They are sweet and bursting with flavor, though one should be aware they are seed-in (the seeds are perfectly fine to eat). Perfect for juicing, pies, jam or just snacking, I really enjoyed these Grapes and look forward to seeing what other varieties Speich Farms has to offer!" -MadeInUSAReview

Every year around this time I live for the delicious crop of Concord Grapes Spiech Farms ships to my grocer. So happy to already have a few cartons in my fridge! Thank you Spiech Farms!