"Super Lucky's Tale is a true love letter to classic 3D platformers. Run, jump, climb incredible heights, burrow deep underground, overcome enemies, and explore amazing worlds on an epic quest to rescue the Book of Ages from the mysterious Jinx and his nefarious Kitty Litter!"

Official Website (PlayfulStudios); https://playfulstudios.com/new-super-luckys-tale/
Online Store (Microsoft); https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/super-luckys-tale/9plmgfwcfz9g#activetab=pivot:overviewtab
Online Store (Steam); https://store.steampowered.com/app/847360/Super_Luckys_Tale/
Product Review; "If I had to recommend one game for young kids, it would without a doubt be Super Lucky's Tale. Wholesome throughout, and brimming with polish and production quality - while including none of the typical 'political' or modern social trends, just addictive and challenging platforming, and a simple traditional heroes story! Available on Steam and the Windows PC Store, and with two great DLCs available as well!
