"LEDs are the future of aquarium lighting and the Marineland LED Aquarium Light is the perfect way to upgrade an existing aquarium with this advanced lighting technology. Long lasting 60 mW LE-never replace a light bulb again Energy efficient, low voltage power supply helps reduce energy costs. Day light LEDs create a shimmering light that mimics the natural underwater effect of sunlight. Three position switch-on, blue, off night light LEDs allow for night time enjoyment of the aquarium. No mercury in LEDs, making them better for the environment than traditional aquarium lighting. One year performance warranty." -Marineland

Official Website; https://www.marineland.com/products/lighting/led-light-bar.aspx Online Store(Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/MarineLand-Aquarium-Light-Natural-Shimmering/dp/B004HSYGFQ Online Store(EBay); https://www.ebay.com/itm/197012217565?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D280553%26meid%3D94b1dc7561694920af97fb3f25d1df49%26pid%3D101506%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D405482252026%26itm%3D197012217565%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4481478%26algv%3DDefaultOrganicWebWithV11WebTrimmedV3VisualRankerWithKnnV3AndUltBRecall%26brand%3DMarineland&_trksid=p4481478.c101506.m1851 Product Review; "This is kind of an interesting model of fish tank light fixture because, while not too expensive, it's only designed for very specific overhead glass or plastic fishtanks, so it's applications are definitely limited. It doesn't snap in or attach, just designed to rest on top of the hood of the tank and shine down through. Also with no brightness settings, or automatic timer functions, it is a simple device (though that may be just fine for you). Two light settings, which can be toggled with the silver sliding switch on the reverse include white (engaging about 90% of the LEDs), and blue, where it seems about 4 of the LEDs are programmed to be blue, (significantly less brightness, but that may be okay being that it's a "night" mode). Assembled in USA." -MadeInUSAReview
