"Kan Jam is a proven example of how American-made manufacturing can be successful, and compete with overseas competition. When we first started our company in 2006 it was presumed that our Kan Jam game was manufactured in China. After all, wasn’t every sporting good and game item made there? People were surprised to hear that we could manufacture a product made from plastic here in the USA and make it better, and less expensive. Kan Jam is proof that good old fashion American ingenuity, technology and partnering with your suppliers can get it done." -KanJam

Official Website / Store (KanJam); https://www.kanjam.com/born-in-the-usa
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008NWY53A/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B008NWY53A&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=91f24bc3e1114142dac3cf972fe2c87e
Product Review; "Really durable molded-plastic will last for many years - And now in Glow-In-The-Dark, you don't have to quit playing when the sun goes down! I found mine on EBay for surprisingly cheap, but the disks are available from their website year-round. Flies predictably and controllably, so even beginners can easy join in. Play with their 'Can-Jam' outdoor target barrels, or just tossing between friends, these 'frisbee' disks are a great thing to bring to your next summer barbecue, beach day or pic-nik - and, as always, it's 100% American made!" -MadeInUSAReview
