"Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World (Hardcover, 234 pages, published by Wiley & Sons, Inc) by Todd Lipscomb Made in USA."

Official Website / Store (MadeInUSAForever); https://madeinusaforever.com/reinushowwec.html
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0470929928/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0470929928&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=65a699535a6438c698580dd96eded9fa
Product Review; "Published in 2011, The book "Re-Made In The USA" is relatively light reading - yet still packs a decent amount of info - especially if you're newer to the domestic manufacturing scene or a younger folk. With positive motivation towards an honorable goal - Todd provides historical information and helps you make the right choices when spending your dollars. A great gift or quick personal read - and (of course) it's printed in USA. I highly suggest stocking your bookshelf with great books like this - and it regularly goes on sale for less than 15$!" -MadeInUSAReview
