"Featuring a larger main compartment with two sleeved pouches to keep essentials separated. Main compartment also features a document pocket with velcro closure. Additional smaller low pro zipper pouches on the front and rear of the bag keep all your quick need essentials handy. A small section of heavy duty elastic material on the buckle side of the waist strap allows for a small amount of stretch for easier breathing and movement. Great piece of kit especially for those that want quick grab and go essentials at the ready. Made in the USA." -AmericanWeaponsComponents

Official Facebook Page (IndustryArmaments); https://www.facebook.com/customhandguns
Online Store (AmericanWeaponsComponents); https://americanweaponscomponents.com/product/nut-ruck-tactical-hip-bag
Online Store (TDSGearUSA); http://tdsgearusa.com/product/tactical-fanny-pack-2/
Product Review; "The official company info was a bit hard to find for this one - their website is down at the time of writing this - But the Nut Ruck Fanny Pack can still be found on many US purveyor sites, and it's worth searching out. Thick fabric in available in a couple colors - fitted with two front pockets (one large, one small), and a pocket hidden on the reverse side. Perfect for medical supplies, Ammo, snacks or everyday-carries, the pouch is easily fitted (can be worn through belt-loops), and makes a great addition to your Bug-Out-Bag, or job site equipment." -MadeInUSAReview
