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EasyGardenerInc Jobe's Fertilizer Spikes For Beautiful Houseplants (Multiple Sizes / Varieties)

"Keeping your houseplants healthy and fertilized is easier than ever with Jobe’s® Houseplant Food Spikes. These spikes provide a continuous supply of important nutrients right at the roots, where plants need it most. The pre-measured, specially formulated spikes are simply inserted into the soil around your plant. Unlike liquids or granular, Jobe’s Houseplant Spikes eliminate mess, hazards and smells – and can’t wash through when you water." -JobesCompany

Product Review; "Keep your indoor plants alive and healthy for much longer with these affordable fertilizing spikes. Just insert a few spikes (depending on size of plant) in the soil and waterings will carry nutrients down into the soil without any waste or risk of shock to the plant. Usable for more than just Houseplants, but Easy Gardener Inc makes a few types for specific plants - They always work great, and require almost no extra work or attention!"



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