"Your Design Business Card 2x3-1/2 Rectangle Horizontal will say a lot about you and your business because you design it. You decide what graphics or logo you want to set the mood, you decide what information you want to put on it to provide your potential customers and target audience with your contact info, plus you can add your business slogan, your position in the company, or anything you want. That way your business cards can serve as cost-effective mini sales assistants for your business, while creating a lasting, positive impression. Business cards are a personal way to connect, and they provide a tangible reminder of the benefits your company can provide. Bring them with you wherever you go in case you run into someone that can use your goods or services, plus they're ideal for adding a finishing touch to your advertising strategies at trade shows, seminars, conferences or other business events. These white cards are designed to allow your clients to jot down notes they want to remember about you or your business on the back. Samples are available for registered customers, just call the phone number on this site or chat with an agent between 09:00 and 20:00 ET, Monday through Friday. Free virtual proofs so you'll get what you want, plus art modifications are free. Choose the font you want from our wide selection. Or, if you prefer, you can order these sharp-looking cards blank, without preprinting, to add your own custom message. Fire up your creative juices and order Your Design Business Card 2x3-1/2 Rectangle Horizontal right now to get your information in front of potential customers." -Deluxe

Official Website / Store (Your Design); https://www.deluxe.com/products/print-marketing/your-design-business-card-2-x-3-12-rectangle-horizontal/43562/?rel=no
Official Website / Store (Choose Designs); https://www.deluxe.com/products/print-marketing/business-cards/nid_1ov11ypZozy2o4/
Product Review; "I enjoy promoting American Products so much I figured I'd invest $20 or so dollars in having high quality, full color, double sided business cards made (for the Website and my other personal ventures) - Printed In USA of course. The affordability of these was impressive, and less than a week later I was handing out a professional looking card to any potential affiliates! Not a single remarkable defect or misprint - Deluxe's Made In USA category has tons of options, so you can get exactly the image that fits what you want to promote." -MadeInUSAReview
