"Pour Another Cup, We’ll Brew More. The Fastest Home Coffeemakers in America, now with an updated design. Speed Brew Coffeemakers can brew 10 cups of coffee in about 4 minutes: they store hot water in a Stainless Steel Commercial Grade tank, allowing them to Brew Coffee on Demand. They're always on your counter, always plugged in and always ready to brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee." -Retail.Bunn

Official Website; https://retail.bunn.com/52700.0002
Product Review; "My preferred method of coffee brewing is cowboy (which you can make with any pot), percolators (which you can find many from the 80's), and french-press / pour-over (which I could not find made in USA). Drip style brewers are fast and easy, but I just don't drink that much coffee, so I use it more for making Loose Leaf Tea. It's a well designed home or commercial kitchen appliance - One sidenote - The Glass Carafe is made in Germany, but a simple replacement ebay search will fix that right up."
