"Because there's no limit to how much yumminess you can pack into a cookie, we took our already delicious Pecan Supremes and packed them full of rich chocolate chips. Yum + yum = yum yum. (Also sold in 2.25 oz. servings.)" -BudsBestCookies

Official Website / Store (BudsBestCookies); https://shop.budsbestcookies.com/collections/bud-s-best-cookies/products/pecan-chocolate-chip-supremes-6-oz
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A47RCJK/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B01A47RCJK&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=d862fa65658b1659650cdc9357e6436c
Product Review; "Whenever I see Bud's Best Cookies I make sure to grab a box (Pecan Chocolate Chip are probably my favorite) but there's a few flavors, and they're always very affordably priced (never more than a dollar or two). Crunchy yet moist and savory - Stick em in the microwave for a few seconds and grab some milk! Say no to nabisco or con agra.. Support a better company, and get a better tasting cookie!" -MadeInUSAReview
