"Formulated for every man, Barbasol Original Shaving Cream has been an American standard and tradition in shaving for nearly 100 years. The premium Close Shave® formula, with quality ingredients, produces a rich, thick lather and exceptional razor glide. Barbasol Shaving Cream gives you the confidence that comes from a close, comfortable shave. Thick and rich shaving cream formula. Protects skin while you shave. Barbasol Shaving Cream is proudly made in the USA! Featured in 5oz, 7oz and 10oz sizes"

Official Website; https://barbasol.com/
Product Review; "When I walk in to an average grocery store hygiene aisle these days, I see dozens and dozens of imports.. it's all cheaply made from low quality ingredients, and (of course) prices are marked up considerably from the actual value. Then, down on the bottom shelf, there's one unassuming can with red, white, and blue, Barbasol to the rescue - One of the only US made Shaving Creams you can still find regularly. It foams up to a massive size, and so soft and slippery you'll get far more value out of your razor blades as well. I recommend the version with Aloe Vera - I have somewhat sensitive skin and the healing hydration makes shaving a pleasantry!" -MadeInUSAReview