"Our original all-in-on cleaner, degreaser and spot remover is the inspiration behind the LA’s Totally Awesome name and the cornerstone of our product lineup. A unique blend of proprietary ingredients works between the spot and the surface to harmlessly remove even the most stubborn of stains from any washable surface. Dilute the concentrated formula for the solution to almost any household cleaning need. Non-toxic and biodegradable, nothing gets the job done like LA’s Totally Awesome." -LAsTotallyAwesome

Official Website (LAsTotallyAwesome); http://www.lastotallyawesome.com/shop/all-purpose/awesome-all-purpose-concentrated-cleaner-128oz/
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007F19O8G/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007F19O8G&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=ac8503c115108eb4ea14299df49d3fb9
Product Review; "I don't know what the secret is, but LA's Totally Awesome is a, well.. awesome everyday cleaning product and can be found (if you're lucky) at dollar / discount stores. Really powerful and easily diluted for delicate applications, it'll really surprise you with how safe, affordable and effective this California made cleaner is!" -MadeInUSAReview
