"In 1919, Q.G. Noblitt, Frank Sparks, and Al Redmond formed a small manufacturing business then known as the Indianapolis Air Pump Company. Later known as Indianapolis Pump & Tube and then Noblitt-Sparks, it took on the name Arvin in 1950. In 2000, after a merger with Meritor, Inc, it became Arvin-Meritor for a few years. But then, sadly, Arvin disappeared from the name as well as the corporate landscape of America and the globe."

Company Information (PreservingArvin); http://www.preservingarvin.com/preserving-arvin-home.html
Product Review; "They really don't make space-heaters like they used to - yes they can be a fire hazard if used improperly, but the immediacy of intense heat is just another reason why Arvin products are still sought after. Durability, ease of repair (if need be) and simplicity are common place for a USA-made product - if you can get your hands on one, it's worth every dollar."
