"Premium quality cotton blankets made in the USA in a chevron pattern. These high quality blankets are made from Southeastern US and Texas cotton. The yarn is spun to perfection creating a luxuriously soft blanket to the touch but pleasantly durable for laundering." -AmericanBlanketCompany

Official Website; https://www.americanblanketcompany.com/Soft-Cotton-Blanket-Chevron-Weave-p/vct-ca.htm
Product Review; "Every material used in this blanket from the cotton to the thread to the ink was made in the United States. Having said that no corners are cut - This is a premium blanket from a renowned and trusted company. The small chevron weave has a pleasant passive texture and pure cotton is really cozy on a snowy winter night. I got the white color and it's really bright and clean looking, but a darker color will probably last longer without blemishes becoming apparent. This make a wonderful wedding or housewarming gift - A lovingly crafted quality blanket you can hold close for years and years." -MadeInUSAReview