"Made, Shipped and supported in the USA. Time and Date Stamped. 16GB Micro SD Card Included. Motion Detect recording for longer record time, This camera records directly to Micro SD card. It looks exactly like any other alarm clock, but it also contains a built in camera. Resolution: 720P HD 1280x720 @ 30fpps AVI Format. Supports up to 32GB* Micro SD cards. Appx. 1GB consumed every 30 mins, auto recycling Recording Capability: Video Only. 1 minute per clip on Motion recording mode, 1 to 15 minute per clip adjustable on Continuous recording Mode. SD Card hidden in battery compartment."

Official Website; http://www.atlanticelectronic.com/
Product Review; "Not many options currently as to domestic made video cameras (I use my (US Made) Motorola Gen 1 for audio&video recording). There's a few companies making specialized security cameras in America, but they're expensive, top-of-the-line products which clearly look like a camera. I was looking for a discreet, affordable and functional device, thankfully I found AESSpyCameras (AtlanticElectronicSystem, Inc.). The model I bought records 720p 30fps video only (no audio) direct to a MicroSD Card (no hackable WiFi streams here). AES has modded the internals of an old RCA alarm clock so it looks like an unassuming cheap clock, but motion tracks and records at a wide 70degree angle. If you live amongst thieves and intruders and value the security of yourself, your loved ones and your possessions, I highly recommend you check out AtlanticElectronicSystem's Website." -MadeInUSAReview